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Let Me Start: Rallying Around Rice

Senate Democrats rally behind U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice in the face of new Republican opposition.
(AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

Senate Democrats rally behind U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice in the face of new Republican opposition. Rice admitted error yesterday, and key Republicans like John McCain have increased their criticism of her comments in the wake of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Fiscal Cliff Notes: A senior Republican in the House is urging his party to go along with the President's plan to let the Bush tax cuts expire for 98% of the country's earners.

Look who's won the 47% after all? That's right, Mitt Romney's share of the popular vote is looking to be - ironically - the same number that sunk his campaign.

The New York Times examines how the Obama campaign rolled up the score among Latino voters, and how the Pacific coast has become a stronghold for Democrats.

Putting the 'man' in chairman: Republicans in the House of Representatives made their recommendations for committee chairmanships, and they're all male. This from a party that is increasingly losing the women's vote in this country to the Democrats.

Senator Barbara Boxer - who's on Hardball tonight - writes an open letter to House Speaker John Boehner, urging him to reach across the aisle and pass bipartisan legislation for the good of the country -- much like Tip O'Neill was able to do in the 80s.